Safe Reaction

A safer and more sustainable society with the support of the latest AI technologies

The company

Safe Reaction AB was founded in 2020 and is based in Linköping, Sweden.


Our mission is to contribute to society and its individuals, regardless of their circumstances and background, to provide a better, safer, and more sustainable everyday life through openness and the support of AI technology.


Our vision is to with the help of AI technology, contribute to a society where people, regardless of their circumstances and background, have a secure life.

A world-leading sound detection system

Proactive AI-based analysis methods

The system provides a world-leading ability to identify in real time what is about to happen, is happening or has happened. The system can make decisions about appropriate measures and consequences, such as calling the police, guard or ambulance.

Easy to adapt to new areas (applications)

The system can easily be updated to manage new types of events than initially planned for.

Self-improving over time

The system constantly builds up and improves its ability to analyze input data. It can currently detect, for example, weapons, explosives, the use of spray cans and crushing sounds and can easily be taught to handle new sounds and simultaneous sound combinations, the latter something that makes us extra unique.

Not weather sensitive

The system is not weather sensitive, something many of its competitors’ systems is.

Prediction confusion matrix

The following confusion matrix demonstrates the performance of the "master" model of the system,

which is able to predict different events from only a few audio clips, from around 50 to 100 clips. 

AI system architecture

Data dashboard

Advanced active learning annotation system

Annotation interface with explainable predictions

Application areas

Area surveillance

– e.g., residential areas, blocks, parks, and city centers


– e.g., preschools, primary schools, gymnasiums, and sports halls

Military training areas and protected objects

Military and civilian shooting ranges