These are the people that works with Safe Reaction AB, if you have any questions feel free to ask us.
Mattias Lindahl
Head of Business ModelsMattias is chairman of the board, a professor at Linköping University, an experienced project manager, and an expert on new types of circular and resource-efficient business models.
Tim Eriksson
Head of Hardware ResearchTim has many years of experience in robotics, cybersecurity, and autonomous software. His strong vision to use automation for public safety brings a new level to our detectors.
Ramon Ibrahim
CAD TechnicianRamon plays a key role in designing and developing our physical products, helping us transform our ideas into reality. He is currently studying computer science at Linköping University.
Herbert Jacobson
Corporate Lawyer &Data Protection OfficerHerbert was an associate professor at Linköping University, whose areas of expertise are comparative law, business law and new types of business contracts.
Fredrik Löfgren
Former Head of Hardware ResearchFredrik taught robotics, and AI at Linköping University, and was an experienced public speaker, robot developer, and entrepreneur. His strong vision about the future of automation brought life into our detectors.
Mr. X
Head of AI ResearchMr X has a Ph.D. in AI, is a world-leading AI expert, and is the former head of research at a large Swedish tech company. He also helps develop the company’s AI system.
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